Sabtu, 06 April 2019

How To Get Rid Of That Musty Basement Smell

How To Get Rid Of That Musty Basement Smell
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Oh No! You can still smell that Musty Basement Smell when you open the door to the cellar and it's driving you nuts. All you want to do is get rid of it for good as not only does it smell in the cellar, but it permeates through the house as well. - Not good.

Well don't worry, it is possible to get rid of that musty basement smell so read on and I'll explain just what you need to do to have a fresh smelling home once again.

Action Number one.

Make sure that you get rid of any old carpet that you have in your basement if it has mould or mildew on it.

You might find that the mildew is just on the underlay of your carpet and you may be able to salvage the carpet itself, if you have it thoroughly deep cleaned. If the smell has got into your carpets upstairs as well, then these will need a deep clean too to get rid of that awful smell.

Action Number two.

If you have any furniture in your basement, take it outside and give it a good airing. Also have this professionally cleaned to ensure that the musty smell is totally removed from the furniture.

Action Number three.

Having emptied your basement, make up a solution of bleach and water using approximately 3/4 of a cup of bleach to each gallon of water.

Using this solution, clean everything in your basement. This means, the walls and floors as well as any other fixtures.

Probably the best way to clean is to wipe the walls and floor with the solution and let it soak for about five minutes and then rinse it off. This will get rid of the built up odours and leave everything clean and smelling fresh.

Action Number four.

Having bleached everything in your basement you now need to find out just why it got to smell musty in the first place.

The musty smell is caused by a build up of moisture and so you need to discover if any water is getting into your basement.

Check the walls thoroughly looking for any cracks, check also the wall joints and the floor.

Youll want to also check on the plumbing to make sure there are no leaks from any pipes in the basement.

If you are unlucky enough to find any leaks, you will need to repair them before you move anything back into your basement. Youll want to also check on the plumbing to make sure there are no leaks from any pipes in the basement.

If you find that the moisture in the basement is due to high humidity, you will want to nip out and purchase a dehumidifier for your basement.

A dehumidifier will help to get the excess moisture out of the air in the basement and, in turn, will help to keep the musty basement smell from coming back.

Most dehumidifiers that are adequate for use in the basement can be purchased at a reasonable price.

Summing up.

The most important thing to know here is that with a musty basement there is a reason for it-moisture.

Dont ignore this as it can be a sign of serious problems to come if you dont take care of it immediately.

Although the musty basement smell is often thought to be a common smell with basements, it is not common at all. Basements should not smell musty and if they do, you have a problem that needs to be taken care of as soon as possible.

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