Sabtu, 06 April 2019

How To Get In Shape For Rugby 7 Easy Steps

How To Get In Shape For Rugby 7 Easy Steps
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Let's face it; Rugby is a versatile sport where having speed, strength, and stamina is required, whether your a wing or even a prop. When game time comes around, the winner is usually the team who is in better shape. Sitting on the couch doesn't accomplish anything. So how to you improve your own physical shape to make you a better rugby player? Read on...


A rugby players diet needs to consist of a lot of carbs. Now, that doesnt mean go to the nearest fast food place and chow down. You need healthy carbs. Healthy carbs can be found in fruit and vegetables. They all have complex carbs and are high in fiber.


Protein is a must for any rugby diet. It helps aid in muscle mass and helps muscle recover from activity. Chicken, and red meats are perfect examples of protein.


Believe it or not, Rugby players need body fat. Fat will help absorb the impact from tackles and cushions muscle. Too much and your performance will suffer but too little and your muscles will ache from hits. Try to eat nuts, fish, and meat products for good fat consumption


Sure, water doesn't taste as good as some sports drinks, but it is vital to help the body function properly. Water will hydrate the body and rid the body of waste. So cut out the soda from your diet and replace it with water already: the benefits are worth the bland taste.


When you work out, make sure to work out all the muscles in your body. Since Rugby requires multiple functions from multiple muscles, working each muscle will fine tune your skills.


Rugby is an interval sport; what this means is that one moment you may be running full speed down the pitch but the next moment you might be rucking which requires strength. So here are some ideas for a workout: Run for 5 minutes then immediately do 10 pushups, then continue to run. Repeat this at least 5 times and you will notice an improvement in skill after some time. This will be key to improving arguably the most important aspect of Rugby: STAMINA


This one may seem like it contradict everything I have just said, but if you think about it, it doesn't. Your body needs some time to rest and naturally heal at some point. Now this doesn't mean take a week off and eat potato chips, what I mean is keep one day a week a rest day, where you can ice any sore muscles or just rest by sitting on that couch. IF you have followed these methods, you've earned that couch rest.

These are some simple ways to improve Rugby performance. Now, don't expect yourself to be the next Pro Rugby Player overnight; workouts and healthy diets take time for the body to improve. Some other helpful tips are eating vitamins since they help supply the body with vital nutrients, and protein shakes are also good for muscle growth/repair/development.

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