Sabtu, 06 April 2019

How To Get Off Opiates At Home

How To Get Off Opiates At Home
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Having been addicted to drugs myself for many years, I have learned alot. I know how miserable the withdrawl symptoms can be. I went through stages of being addicted to a few different types of drugs, mainly opiate pain medication. Whether you are an addict yourself, or you have a loved one living with this absolutly horrible ,life ruining disease, I hope this article will help someone.

Alot of people don't understand how it is to be an addict. People often think that if someone would be willing to just stop trying to get high, they could stop, and that it's just a bad choice their making over and over again. It's not that simple. It is definitly not a matter of will power. It actually affects the way your brain functions. It gets used to having the overdose of the chemical that makes you happy, and feel good, and when the body doesn't get it, you get physically ill. If you're reading this, chances are you want to get clean, and probably aren't trying to get high anymore. You're probably doing just enough to feel "normal". Heck, I'd rather take the worst kind of flu I've ever had in my life over the withdrawl symptoms that come with being "Dopesick". It is by far the worst feeling I have ever felt in my life.

The withdrawals are different for alot of people, but most get irritable, muscle aches, a runny nose like your brain is going to leak out of your head, your eyes tear like crazy, yawning, and it gets worse from there. You get "goosebumps" really bad, diarhea, abdominal cramps, major insomnia, leg cramps, and I haven't even mentioned it all. Luckily, there are some things that can help ease some of them.

First off, I recommend getting some sort of full-body cleanse.You need to get rid of all those toxins you've been putting into your body. Include a colon cleanse to get rid of the constipation that you most likely have had from long term drug use. Cleansing will also help your poor liver. Make sure you drink ALOT of water. To help with cold sweats, taking a warm bath can help keep you body at one solid temperature. Try to get plenty of rest, but also , as hard as it is to drag yourself up even just to get a drink, try and go for a walk or get some sort of exercise, it does help. It will give you a little more energy, and help with the depression that you likely have while getting through withdrawl symptoms.

If you are not an addict yourself, but are trying to help someone you love, one of the most important things I can tell you is to be as supportive as possible, and be patient, VERY patient. I hope some of the things here have helped. Maybe it will at least help soeone get through their day. Like I said before I know first hand how to get off opiates at home, as hard and long a road as it is, you can do it. If you slip up, don't get discouraged. Just think of it as just that. A slip up, and tommorow is a new day. Get up and brush yourself off. You will have a long and hard road ahead of you, but you didn't get addicted overnight, and you won't get clean overnight either. I hope the best for you, or your loved one. Take it one day at a time and you CAN get through this. Good luck, and I wish a happy, and healthy life for you.

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